Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All's Well That Ends Well Advertisements

    In my opinion the two trailers are very different, although they are depicting the same production they each show it from a different perspective, one of tragedy and melancholy while the other is of comedy and happiness. The first trailer seems very magical and animated like a childrens fairy tale being shown on stage, the scenes displayed are very colorful and the music is powerful giving the production a majestical feel. It sublimenally throws in scenes from fairy tales like: Little Red Riding Hood and Cnderella and at the end where it shows the poster, Robin Hood. It makes the person watching the trailer, if they have not read the book, think that "all yet seems well", as the king states in his last lines of the play, when the last scene pictured is Helen and the king being joyous and smiling. It is also only narrated in the beginning and the end of the trailer leaving the person watching it to interpret it in their own way. Whereas in the second trailer there is a more happy tone to it, the music is upbeat and in mostly all of the scenes the characters are seen smiling and laughing with one another and there is a less dramatic feel to it. Throughout the trailer the narrator talks about the comedy of the play and the good things more than the tragedy and the bad things of it. To me this is a very inaccurate way of depicting the play because it is not all smiles and happiness, there are times when there are more tears and unhappiness than not. The way I would have advertised it would be putting both of these together showing not just one part of it but both the tragic and the comedic parts of the play, the lines, “that you express content.. with strife to please you..” say it well there is content and happiness as well as tragedy and strife.

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